I have decided to just make myself write. I know the first few chapters now in great detail - but for some reason, I just can't get them down onto paper in an acceptable way...
By acceptable, I mean in in a way that doesn't make me cringe.
I'm now having second thoughts about my beginning. Shall I give my readers more time to understand my main character and the place she is in? Or shall I just leave it as it is?
But is this stupid?
I've been looking at writing help such as "Ten Top Tips for the first few chapters of your novel"
One of the tips was to start the novel when you've finished the rest.
In other words, do it right at the end of everything.
Today I did a big brain storm session with my little brother and we have now come up with characters, plots, new animals, adventures, questions etc. etc.
We have a lot of material now.
But now it needs writing!
Okay, so I know there are more details that need to be looked at but I really think it's time I just write anything onto paper and then read it through.
What I've been doing recently is writing a paragraph then editing it then deleting it entirely.
This, inevitably, gets me no where.
I'm just going to write and find out what spills out of my pen.
Do wish me bon chance!
M. x
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by to say hi. Visiting from the Post A-Z Road Trip - I'm on a quest to visit all 1,718 people who took part!
Good luck with your novel writing! Best wishes and thanks for sharing.
Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...
wow that is quite a quest!
Deleteand thanks for the good luck :)