Friday, 3 January 2014


I hadn't paid any attention to the novel for a while, so I decided it was high time to take another read through and I really liked what I saw! I honestly thought I was gonna cringe and want to re-write the whole thing, but I didn't!
The only thing that needed changing, I realised, was the beginning. The current first chapter is to introductory. So I decided to spice it up a little, we should write a prologue.
The ideas went from Aly Thompson to Nemico (our bad guy) torturing people for information, to a glimpse from the past.
We settled on a moment from the famous battle of Memoriam (which you will hear about in book 2!). I won't say who the mysterious Rowan Fletcher is or what he is doing there or who he is asking about.
This Prologue is purely to make people want to read on.
I hope it works :)
Here's the link to it!

I hope you enjoy!
Happy reading :)
M. x